Oğuz Atay

Oğuz Atay was a pioneer of the modern novel in Turkey. His first novel,Tutunamayanlar (The Disconnected), appeared 1971-72. Never reprinted in his lifetime andcontroversial among critics, it has become a best-seller since a new edition came out in 1984. It has been described as “probably the most eminent novel of twentieth-century Turkish literature”: this reference is due to a UNESCO survey, which goes on: “it poses an earnest challenge to even the most skilled translator with its kaleidoscope of colloquialisms and sheer size.”

His first creative work, Tutunamayanlar, was awarded the prize of Turkish Radio Television Institution, TRT in 1970, before it had been published. He went on to write another novel and a volume of short stories among other works.

Reference: wikipedia